Installation, Assembling, Start-up

It’s of the utmost importance that our computer and electrical resellers know that when a sale of a high power equipment is performed (regardless of it being single or three-phase), they can transfer the installation procedures to our care. This is done at no additional cost, increasing the safety of the installation (since it’s done by our highly qualified and specialized technicians) and improving their image towards their clients.

In this manner the reseller can make use of the higher capacity equipment without the need of the usually necessary support structure. CTEL can provide that support and ensure your tranquillity and safety, not only in selling the equipment but also in its assemblage and installation.

By sending our technicians we make sure of the proper installation, its start-up, operation and placement as well as the needed tests and verifications are performed. This way the proper warranty conditions and the proper uses are enforced, according to the machine specifications and settings.